Our Feisty Fisks

Raising the female population of Indiana one child at a time

Web www.avafisk.blogspot.com

Thursday, April 27, 2006

You take the good with the bad

Day 2 schedule, originally uploaded by Ava's Antics.

I almost didn't post this picture. Not that its due to Ava by any means! If you look close you can see her scratching her head while she ponders whether String Theory is a feasible basis for Intergalactic Hyperspace Translocation (IHT for short). Meanwhile, I am in the unfortunate position such that I am directly underneath a light and it makes me look even balder than I am. Seriously..... It's the light.

Ava had a busy schedule today. It was as follows:

7:30 AM - Eat breakfast
7:45 AM - Sleep
11:30 AM - Eat lunch
11:45 AM - Sleep
4:00 PM - Eat Linner
4:20 PM - Sleep
7:20 PM - Eat dinner
....... I bet you can't guess what she's doing now.

She's making this baby-raisin' stuff look easy! She even let us sleep for FIVE HOURS IN A ROW last night before she needed to interrupt her sleeping with a brief jaunt at soothing her appetite. I'm thinking I should call the Guinness people to see if this might be a record for a baby's first night.

Tomorrow we are going home. Tomorrow we are also picking the dogs up from the kennel (where they have been staying throughout this experience). I think they'll resent the fact that Ava gets to lay on our new couch and they don't get to. On our old couch they used to wedge their way in-between our outstretched bodies, ESPECIALLY is there was a blanket involved. They picked up pretty quick on the fact that they were no longer allowed up there, but I think they still hold a grudge. You know what? Too bad! My baby deserves the best!


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