Our Feisty Fisks

Raising the female population of Indiana one child at a time

Web www.avafisk.blogspot.com

Saturday, April 29, 2006


Swingin', originally uploaded by Ava's Antics.

Home Sweet Home.

Doni's sisters are visiting for the weekend with their children and we're having a great time. Last night Ava kept waking Doni up at all hours. I kind of feel bad because I only noticed that Ava was crying once (other than the time I got up for the morning). It was her first night in a new place though, so we'll let it slide.

In answer to a question in the comments: YES - feel free to ask questions that may provide inspiration for future posts. It may take a little while to get them worked in, but I'll keep a list. Also, someone brought to my attention that you had to have a Blogger login to post comments. I have changed this so anyone can post comments now without having to register with this website. Thanks to the person that brought this to my attention.

Not a lot of new pics lately because yesterday I finally wore down the batteries on our digital camera. We do have a roll of 35mm that we're also working on, so when we finish that and get it developed I'll put them up also.

Since we have visitors I'm going to keep this short, but there are two new pictures (including the one with this post).


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