Our Feisty Fisks

Raising the female population of Indiana one child at a time

Web www.avafisk.blogspot.com

Monday, May 21, 2007

Ava "Eyebrows" Fisk

"I woke up for THIS?!?!", originally uploaded by Ava's Antics.

While feeding Ava last week, Doni elicited a truly primal facial expression our of her. I don't remember exactly what was said, but Ava was not pleased. Instead of showing her displeasure through the expected "fake cry", she furrowed her brow and shot us a stare. Unexpectedly for her, this scowl was met with an eruption of laughter as she had never done this before. We got her to repeat it several times by making the same face back to her. Is it wrong to reinforce this behavior if its REALLY funny?

Since we have begun feeding her more and more table foods, she has started assuming that anytime we eat something she is entitled to a portion of it. How long it has been since she last ate has no bearing on it whatsoever. Today I sat on the couch eating some soup for lunch. She stood at my knees begging for some spoonfuls of beef stew goodness. I gave her a couple chunks, but the bowl was soon empty. To her dismay, I informed her of this. Her face morphed into a scowl that was like daggers to my soul.

I thought this wasn't supposed to happen until her teens...


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