Our Feisty Fisks

Raising the female population of Indiana one child at a time

Web www.avafisk.blogspot.com

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Poo for Poo's Sake

"What's so funny?", originally uploaded by Ava's Antics.

As I've been home on vacation with Ava, I've had the opportunity, nay, the privilege, of changing a significantly higher proportion of Ava's diapers than before. So when she crawled up to me this morning with the aroma of Poo de Toilette, I thought I was prepared for the necessary changing. Never have I been more wrong...

I laid Ava on the changing table and slid her out of her shorts. As she began pawing at the diaper her sense of urgency became apparent to me. I gave her a reassuring look that said, "Relax. I've done this before."

Peeling back the diaper was like pulling plastic wrap off of warm pie filling. Everywhere there had been diaper, there was now poo. In the back, front, middle, up into the sides.... this stuff was everywhere. The smell was wafted throughout her room by the A/C. It permeated every breath. Solely breathing through my mouth didn't even help as it found its way into my nose regardless.

I furiously began ripping wipes from the container. Although I would normally be frustrated when they came out more than one at a time, there was no better situation than this for that to happen. Unfortunately, Ava had stuck both hands in the middle of the mess before I could put the first wipe to use. Apparently its itchy to have excrement all up in your business.

After several tears, half a box of wipes, and a stern conversation about putting hands in your feces, everything was under control. We said a prayer as this foul creation was exorcised from our house into the garbage can, "...and please bless the garbage-man, he'll need it."

Later, I told Doni about all that she had missed this morning. "So it was definitely a two-person diaper," she asked. I replied, "More like six." "Two for the diaper and one to hold each limb," she said. "Yeah, and she stuck her hands in it," I informed her as I looked up to see Ava's fingers in her mouth.


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