Our Feisty Fisks

Raising the female population of Indiana one child at a time

Web www.avafisk.blogspot.com

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Sleepy, originally uploaded by Ava's Antics.

Well, it has been a LONG day. My ladies are currently getting a little well deserved sleep. Here's the facts:

Ava Nicole Fisk
Born 4/26/06 at 6:12 pm (that's 1812 in military time.... like the overture)
7 lbs 10 oz
19 3/4 in long
Immeasurable amount of joy

Click on the picture to see more........


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Epidural, originally uploaded by Ava's Antics.

Doni's fighting hard and its wearing her out! She's dilated to 8 cm and is 100% effaced. To help the pain of the contractions she had an epidural put in place around 3 pm. Now, they want her to nap for a while to get some of her strength back up before she needs to start pushing.

We finished watching the whole first season of The Office and have been watching Animal Planet ever since. It was good to see her laugh in-between contractions. I'm pretty sure that's a good test of whether a comedy is funny.... Can it make someone in labor laugh? If so, then you know it will be REALLY funny when your body isn't causing you pain and stealing all your energy!

Yesterday during our ultrasound we were able to see Ava's face, hands, and feet like we have never been able to before. No, unfortunately, it wasn't a 4D ultrasound (although I hear they're great), but it was amazing how we could make out the details of her toes, see how she has long hair (for a baby), watch as she was practicing breathing, and see her open her eyes the slightest bit. It makes you wonder what she's thinking. Especially now! Getting a little cramped in there isn't it Ava?


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Labor and Delivery

Labor and Delivery, originally uploaded by Ava's Antics.

Well, we're moving right along. Doni is having contractions and I'm realizing how little I can do to help her. The best method I've found to help is to just leave her alone. Her OB doctor has said that she'll probably break Doni's water around noon. Time to get this baby OUT!


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