Our Feisty Fisks

Raising the female population of Indiana one child at a time

Web www.avafisk.blogspot.com

Friday, May 29, 2009

It's Not My-ine, So It Must Be Ur-ine

Ava was on a dry stretch today. She hadn't peed since the time that Doni picked her up from the sitter's at 4pm to the time we got back from our Ava Date. It wasn't for want of fluid intake either. She put the hurt on our pop at the movies. If there was ever a time to sit her on the potty, the time was now.

We've tried several different rewards in an attempt to get her potty-trained. First it was M&M's, then gummy bears, then gummy worms. After watching her enjoyment at opening presents for her birthday Doni came up with the great idea of wrapping small dollar-store type trinkets and letting her open one each time she went in the potty. Even this hadn't been enough of a motivation to get her to use the potty consistently.

Her bladder had to be full, so we bribed her with a promise that we could watch whatever she wanted if she tried to potty. She sat down without a fight while Doni and I took care of a few things.

Two minutes later.... SUCCESS! She yelled, "I did it!" and pumped both fists in the air. Not one to disappoint, she truly did go potty... and A LOT. I've never been excited over urine. I was trying to award her with praise by dancing and singing a "Ava went potty" song when she said, "STOP STOP STOP.... PRESENT". First things first I guess.


  • At 8:14 PM, Blogger Koleen said…

    Now that's a girl who has her priorities in order!!

    Way to go Ava! :)


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Up, Up, and Away

Tonight we took Ellie over to our neighbors and went out on an Ava Date. It's like going back to the days when it was just Doni, Ava, and I. Ava's been handling having to share our attention amazingly well, but we thought we'd spend a little time just on her.

We took her out to see the movie Up (or as she refers to it, "Balloon Movie"). We got some concessions and she looked ridiculous with both arms wrapped around the large tub of popcorn as we walked to out theater. On top of that, she was overly concerned about the kernels that were falling on the floor, despite the fact that she would spill more every time she looked at the one or two she had just dropped.

Ava really gets into movies. One of the previews was for a movie called Shorts. At the end of the preview the main character answers a phone (that is implanted in his head). Ava thought this was hilarious and said, "Hahaha, He said, 'Heh-row".

Another preview she liked was for the remake of the movie Fame. At the end of this one the preview trails off with a song saying "remember... remember...". Ava continued the mantra well past the end of the trailer.

It was a pretty good movie with a lot of jokes that were primarily for adults without being adult-content. As the movie wrapped up the music began to crescendo and the picture zoomed out. As she is prone to do at times like this, she yelled out, "IT'S OVER!" She must have repeated this literally 20 times over the next two minutes. That's my daughter... the credits-spotting queen.


  • At 7:48 PM, Anonymous Allison said…

    I took the boys to see Up yesterday and I was watching for the phone/head thing. They never showed that preview! Oh well.


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