Our Feisty Fisks

Raising the female population of Indiana one child at a time

Web www.avafisk.blogspot.com

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Great Grandmas

A couple weeks ago we were able to spend Saturday in Michigan visiting the great grandmas. Here are pictures of Ellie with Grandma-ma and Grandma Alice.While we were visiting, Jeremy's cousin Dusty took Ava for a ride on their four-wheeler. She had fun until she realized mommy wasn't with her. It's kind of hard but try to notice Ava's new cowgirl boots. She wears them everywhere.


  • At 11:17 PM, Blogger Jill said…

    oh my goodness...i LOVE the boots! lookin' good, ava girl! :)


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8 Weeks Old!

Yesterday Ellie had her 8 week checkup and first round of vaccinations. She weighs 10lbs and grew 1/2 an inch (22 1/2 inches now). I gave her some Tylenol before we left so she did pretty well with the shots. She cried until the band aids went on and if you remember that is what Ava does. The rest of the day she was sore but I kept up with the Tylenol and continued to move her around so her legs wouldn't get stiff. She slept a lot and we were afraid she wouldn't sleep last night but she did great.

Memory of an Elephant

At Ellie's 4 week check up the doctor gave Ava a princess sticker and in exchange Ava was suppose to use the potty (she never did). After this appointment I took Ava to the sitters for some play time and when I picked her up the sticker was gone and she would not stop talking about it. Four weeks later we are in the same doctor's office and Ava is telling the nurse about her missing princess sticker. She thought Ava was just asking for a sticker so I explained how she was referring to last time we were here. The nurse was so impressed that Ava remembered after 4 weeks that she found 4 different princess stickers and gave them to Ava. She was thrilled. She put one on each of us and her baby. This morning only Ava and the baby still have their stickers. I don't think these stickers are going anywhere.


  • At 8:06 PM, Anonymous Allison said…

    CUTE picture!!!


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