Our Feisty Fisks

Raising the female population of Indiana one child at a time

Web www.avafisk.blogspot.com

Friday, August 04, 2006

Eight Nights of Heaven

Let me tell you about another little skill Ava has picked up.... I would have mentioned it a while ago, but I thought that maybe it was just a fluke (no, not like the worm) and she would magically lose her ability to perform this magnificent task. This heavenly blessing I speak of is Skill #4 - Sleeping through the night.

*pause to let the applause in my head die down*

Last Thursday morning I woke up to my alarm at 5:45 AM to a stunned look from Doni's face. Since I have been having to get up so early in the morning for school and Doni has been on summer vacation, she has been getting up with Ava when she wakes up during the night. Even before school started up again Doni would always have to wake up when Ava cried during the night because she would have to wake me up for the times that I would feed her! Apparently I'm a heavy sleeper. Anyways, Doni was giving me a stuporous look because this was the first time that Ava had slept completely through the night! Doni and I giddily skipped over to Ava's room (some of you may realize that this is remarkable because Doni isn't usually a "morning person".... I, however, usually skip around the house). Ava was still as snug as a bug in a rug. I pinched myself trying to wake up from this dream until I looked like I had spent a week naked in the Amazon with mosquito pheromones sprayed over my body. This was real.... oh blessed Skill #4! Technically, Ava only slept until 6 AM and we usually wake her up to feed her at 7 AM, but this was close enough for our tolerances to call it a full "sleep-through".

Saturday morning history repeated itself as Ava slept till 6:30. Forty-eight hours and a couple of well-rested nights later and Ava was sleeping all the way through until 7AM! It's A-MA-ZA-ZING!


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