Our Feisty Fisks

Raising the female population of Indiana one child at a time

Web www.avafisk.blogspot.com

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Ava Appleseed

Ava Appleseed
Originally uploaded by Ava's Antics
A couple of days ago Ava wanted to have an apple after getting home from the baby-sitter's house. Since they had just walked in the door, Doni handed her a whole apple (peel and all) to buy herself some time to get situated. Every other time Ava has had apples they have been at least sliced and usually peeled. I figured she'd carry it around for a little while and end up throwing it at Sassy. In the past, she's seemed to prefer her apples without the skin. This apple was no crabapple either; it was a biggun'! She'd have to open her gob up pretty wide to actually get a bite. (I hooked on using British slang because we just finished watching the second season of Extras on DVD.) I know snakes can unhinge their jaws, but I'm pretty sure two-year-old Fisks cannot.

Less than five minutes later Ava had managed to get her first bite! I don't know how, but she somehow broke the laws of physics to make that happen. There is no other explanation. After that she steadily worked her way deeper and deeper into the apple. Most people, when they eat an apple, work their way around the exterior. Ava, however, chose to chew straight through the apple. By the time I picked up on her unique technique it was too late - SHE HAD EATEN RIGHT THROUGH THE CORE! Either this apple had no seeds or we'll be seeing them soon in a browner, smellier context.

Ava's vocabulary is exploding. She used to just say "baby", "poopy", "mama", and several other words. She seemed content with this. How many words do you really need to get by? She seemed to think she could manage with a few essential words until she graduated from high school. For everything else she could get her point across with a variety of grunts and gestures. (Jeremy: "That's how I got through High School.") Doni would tell a legend about how Ava would say "daddy" all the way home from the babysitter's house. I say legend because Ava appeared to think it was taboo to say "daddy" in my presence. I probably hadn't heard her say it for a good six months. Yesterday I picked her up from the babysitter's house. As soon as she saw me she said "Hi daddy!" as clear as a bell. I quickly double-checked to make sure it was my daughter and not an impostor. Nope, it was my baby girl! Two points for dad! I relished in it because it could very well be the last time she acknowledges me until she gets through her teens. Till then I'll respond to grunts and pointing.


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