Our Feisty Fisks

Raising the female population of Indiana one child at a time

Web www.avafisk.blogspot.com

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Name Change

You may notice that I've changed the name of this blog to Our Feisty Fisks. Avafisk.com and Elliefisk.com will both still bring you to this blog, but avafisk.blogspot.com will be changed to ourfeistyfisks.blogspot.com.

If this confuses more than clarifies, just type in either of our daughter's names in the address bar, throw a .com on the end and hit enter.


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While Doni and Ellie were in the hospital, the nurses took full advantage of spoiling Ava every time she came to visit. The first time I brought her up they gave her a "Big Sister" sticker and her choice of a teddy bear, 3 little teddy bears, or a mother/child rabbit pair.

While one of the nurses was in the room Ava was asking where her "bracelet" was. After all, Doni, I and Ellie all had hospital ID bracelets on. A few minutes later the nurse brought back a bracelet labeled "Big Sister" that was decorated with stickers of butterflies.

Later on a nurse asked Ava if she wanted something to drink. She said, "Yeap!" and followed her down the hall to the refreshment area. She came back with a carton of chocolate milk. This may surprise you, but Ava had never had chocolate milk. We've always stuck with white milk because she's more likely to drink it white if she doesn't know how delicious the chocolate version is. She already had a sippy cup half full of white milk that we had brought from home. I added some chocolate milk to it and gave her the sippy cup. She was a fan. She kept referring to it as her "coffee" (maybe because it was brown?). She also enjoyed some graham crackers that came to be known as "Grandma cookies".

To top it all off, after a shift change Doni's new nurse brought in another stuffed animal for Ava. I told her that Ava had already gotten one, but she said, "Oh, she can have two!"

Ava's probably waiting for us to have another baby so she can go back to the hospital and get spoiled some more. I have to admit I was pretty jealous. The only thing I got out of the whole experience was a baby!


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